Multiport Serial Boards
Boards are compatible with a wide range of peripheral devices and can operate with 3.3V and 5V PCI bus that allows to install boards on any PC or a server.
Nowadays multiport boards are frequently used in various spheres of industrial automation for connecting terminals, modems, printers, data collection devices and other serial devices to a PC.
Multiport boards are applied in the following spheres:
- Service industry
- Medicine
- Transport
- Oil and gas industry
Functionality of multiport boards
Each serial port supports the data transfer speed up to 921.6 kbit/s. There are available models with optoisolation and overvoltage protection, as well as with extended temperature range.
Multiport boards represent a standard type of connection to a computer, that is why, despite a rapid development of Ethernet technology, they remain to be a reliable and time-tested solution.
Wide range of ports and interfaces enables to build both unified and special systems for automaton purposes and specific industrial application.